Haven't been able to post anything personal here for the longest time...well, what's new? I hate myself when I start a certain project and wasn't able to finish it. I think that is the reason why there is not much changes on my blogging income. I've been earning if not the same, less than what I have been earning in the past. I guess other than having consistency...there should also be something new in my writing strategy. Have received some SEO tips from a new found friend/officemate on how to improve pagerank and how to earn thousands of dollars through google adsense. I plan to study it by heart today and tomorrow and I hope I can improve my stats these coming weeks. If I want have this as my profession, I need to be good at it to be successful. I don't want to be mediocre anymore when it comes to earning money through the net, I need to be choose my own battle and win over it. I just hope my mind won't be occupied with something else to achieve this goals.